In a memo, Dimo Dichev, Head of the International Relations and Foreign Policy Department of the Bulgarian Communist Party Central Committee, reports unsatisfactory relations between Cuba and Bulgaria. Dichev suggests political and journalism exchanges to show an initiative to bolster relations. Dichev proposes exchanges between specific Cuban and Bulgarian newspapers and magazines.
February 11, 1966
Bulgarian Politburo Resolution on Expanding Relations between the Bulgarian and the Cuban Communist parties
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
ABOUT: The expansion of the relations between the Bulgarian Communist Party and the Cuban Communist Party
In recent years the relations between Bulgaria and Cuba – economic and cultural – expanded and intensified and the prospect is [for them] to become broader. However, the relations between our parties are unsatisfactory.
Proceeding from the resolution of Politburo for bolstering of the relations with the fraternal countries, we consider that on our behalf we have to display an initiative for the expansion and consolidation of the relations between our two parties. Our ambassador in Havana made a suggestion in this spirit, as well. On behalf of Cuba, Raul Castro demonstrated willingness for such an expansion during his visit to Bulgaria last year. And once again now, during the meeting of Comrade Elena Gavrilova with Osmany Cienfuegos - a member of CC and Chairman of the Committee for international issues of CC of Cuban CP, which took place in January this year in Havana.
The department considers expedient to suggest to the CC of CCP for 1966 to:
1. Exchange delegations led by a member of Politburo or a secretary of CC for exchange of experience in the sphere of party construction and agriculture.
2. Exchange one or two teachers from the party schools.
3. Exchange journalists from “New Times” and “Party Life” magazines with “Socialist Cuba” magazine.
[ ... ]
11.02.1966. [11 February 1966]
Head of department “Foreign Policy and International Relations” of CC of BCP: D[imo] Dichev
In a memo, Dimo Dichev, Head of the International Relations and Foreign Policy Department of the BCP Central Committee, reports unsatisfactory relations between Cuba and Bulgaria. Dichev suggests political, agricultural, pedagogical and journalism exchanges to show an initiative to bolster relations.
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