March 25, 1984
Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister Visit to China (Foreign Ministers’ Discussion – The State of the Korean Peninsula)'
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
Number R037706
Primary: Asia and China
Sent: China 01:30 Year Month 25
Received: MOFA 02:53 1984 March 25
To: The Foreign Minister From: Ambassador Katori
Prime Minister Visit to China (Foreign Ministers’ Discussion - The State of the Korean Peninsula)
Number 1343 Top Secret Top Urgent Q36A
Wire 1339 Separate Wire 4
1. Based on yesterday’s exchange of opinions at the summit meeting, Cabinet Minister Abe conveyed to Foreign Minister Wu: (1) Neither the U.S. nor South Korea can accept the withdrawal of U.S. forces in South Korea as a precondition to holding talks. Instead, would it not be better to make the withdrawal of U.S. troops form Korea as a result of talks? (2) North Korea ought to show some sort of good faith in relation to the Rangoon Incident.
2. Foreign Minister Wu responded in the following manner:
(1) We believe that the U.S. changed its attitude regarding the trilateral talks due to the Rangoon Incident. Regarding the Incident, both Burma and North Korea are friendly nations of China’s, so the same announcements were made in the media. China did not comment on the incident, but China’s stance in opposition to terrorism remains unchanged.
(2) There is a proposal from North Korea regarding trilateral talks. We believe it is better to engage in dialogue than not engage in dialogue. However, it is impossible to tell how long it may take for this issue to be resolved. (End)
Abe Shintaro and Wu Xueqian review developments in Korea in light of North Korea's attempted assassination of Chun Doo-hwan during the Rangoon bombing.
Associated Places
Subjects Discussed
- Korean reunification question (1945- )
- China--Foreign relations--Korea (North)
- Korea (North)--Foreign relations--Korea (South)
- Korea (South)--Military relations--United States
- Japan--Foreign relations--Korea (South)
- Japan--Foreign relations--Korea (North)
- China--Foreign relations--Korea (South)
- Burma--Foreign relations--Korea (North)
- Bombings--Burma--Rangoon
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