October 28, 1962
Cable no. 328 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Pavlíček)
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
Telegram from Havana File # 11091
Arrived: 28.10.62 15:00
Processed: 28.10.62 16:00 Office of the President, G, Ku, 6
Dispatched: 28.10.62 16:30
The night of 26.10 to 27.10 [26 October to 27 October] passed by in relative calm, although in absolute readiness and understandable nervousness. Materials were not destroyed as the alarming news of the Cubans was not definitely confirmed by [Soviet Ambassador] Alekseev and we decided to wait. In the morning hours of 27.10 [27 October], a U-2 rocket in Oriente [Province] along with gunfire shot down and fended off an attack by a group of US jet bombers, likely on a mission to examine the missile bases in Pinar del Rio. Caught a Pentagon announcement that if the Cubans do not leave a free zone for US flight inspections of Cuba and if an immediate dismantling of missile bases does not begin, there will be further action, including armed forces. Apart from that announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that [US President John F.] Kennedy refused [Soviet Premier Nikita S.] Khrushchev’s offer to negotiate, the bases will not be dismantled. With this comes the climax of the third, this time very dangerous, crisis where the Cubans anticipate a direct attack by the USA. Therefore we are undertaking the same security measures on 27.10 and during the night of 28.10.
Pavlíček 328
Pavlicek informs Prague that Cuban anti-aircraft forces fended off and shot down a group of U.S. jet bombers, which were assumed to be on a mission to examine the missile bases in Cuba. He also intercepted a message from Washington that if Cuba does not leave a free zone for American personnel to land and inspect the bases, there will be "further action." The bases are not to be dismantled, and an invasion by the United States is to be anticipated.
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