November 28, 1962
Cable no. 388 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Pavlíček)
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
Telegram from Havana File # 12540 P.
Arrived: 28.11.62 19:25
Processed: 28.11.62 22:10 G, HTS
Dispatched: 29.11.62 06:00
Re. your 1448.
The partner critically needs practice ammunition. According to the announcement he has no other option but to accept a delay in the terms of delivery. Lopez [not further identified] is not willing to negotiate directly with the Bulgarian People’s Republic, nor with their new representative in Havana. He does not consider this proper. He is asking us, as allies, to discuss the delivery of the remainder, and if possible already in the first quarter of the year. According to Minfar’s [Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces’] list the number of outstanding ammunition supplies to be delivered stand at 40 204 000, as opposed to the 37 000 000 advised. Send word on whether the difference has not already been sent off in one of the prepared transports. I ask for a return reply. Message sent by Zachař.
Pavlíček 388.
According to this cable by Pavlicek, the Czechoslovak government was covertly supplying the Cuban armed forces with ammunition a month after the crisis was resolved. It appears the delivery of ammunition was made to maintain the promised supply for the end of the yearly quarter.
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