October 27, 1946
Cable Nos. 97-98, Molotov to Druzhkov [Stalin]
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
Strictly Secret
Copy Nº 1 LAYOUT
Copy Nº 2 to Stalin
Copy Nº 3 to Stalin
Copy Nº 4 to Molotov
Copy Nº 5 to Vyshinsky
Copy Nº 6 to Dekanozov
Copy Nº 7 Copy
Copy Nº 8 Dossier
Copy Nº 9 to the 10th Department
Copy Nº 11 to file
[handwritten across the list of addressees: Cde. Stalin agrees
Reply [?reported?] to Cde. Dekanozov]
Copy Nº 2
from NEW YORK Nº 36378 2250 27 October 1946
to DRUZHKOV [Stalin]
On Tuesday I intend to make a speech in the General Discussion [SIC; General Assembly]. I will mainly speak in connection with the veto, the atomic bomb, and the problem of a reduction of armaments as we spoke about during my stay in Chernaya Rechka [Translator’s note: not capitalized, but presumed to be a placename]. I consider it necessary to conclude my speech with the following proposal of the Soviet delegation, referring to Article II of the United National Charter:
“1. The General Assembly recognizes a general reduction of armaments to be necessary in the interests of strengthening international peace and security and in accordance with the goals and principles of the United Nations.
2. The accomplishment of a decision about a reduction of armaments should include the prohibition of the production and use of atomic energy for military purposes as a top priority task.
3. The General Assembly recommends that the Security Council ensure the practical accomplishment of the tasks presented in points 1 and 2 above.
4. The General Assembly calls upon the governments of all countries to give every assistance to the Security Council in this important matter, the accomplishment of which meets the tasks of establishing a durable peace and international security, and also the interests of the peoples in easing their difficult economic burden caused by the extraordinarily great expenses for weapons not appropriate to peaceful postwar conditions”.
Please approve [this].
I await a reply.
27 October 1946, MOLOTOV
10 copies. de
Sent 28 October [at] 0110
done by Darichev
Authenticated by: [illegible signature]
[handwritten in the lower right-hand corner:
N11147/[illegible initials]]
A cable discussing Molotov's intention to give a speech at the UN about veto powers, atom bombs, and arm reductions. He will offer a proposal from the Soviet delegation calling for universal arms reductions, a ban on the use of atomic energy for warlike aims, and efforts towards global peace and security.
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