June 25, 1950
Cable, Shtykov to Cde. A.A. Gromyko
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
to Cde. A. A. GROMYKO
I am sending a report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs transmitted by radio on 25 June 1950
"Report of the DPRK Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Early on the morning of 25 June 1950, troops of the so-called ‘army of national defense’ of the puppet government of South Korea began a surprise attack on the territory of North Korea along the entire 38th parallel. Having begun a surprise attack, the enemy invaded the territory of North Korea to a depth of one or two kilometers north of the 38th parallel in the area west of [Haeju] and in the areas of [Geumcheon] and [Cheolwon].
The DPRK Ministry of Internal Affairs has issued an order to security detachments to repel the attacks of the enemy, which has invaded the territory of North Korea. At the present moment, the security forces of the Republic are stubbornly resisting the enemy. Security detachments of the Republic have repulsed attacks of the enemy, which has invaded the territory of North Korea in the area of [Yangyang]. The government of the DPRK has charged the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic with warning the authorities of the puppet government of South Korea that if they do not immediately halt their reckless military operations in the areas north of the 38th parallel, decisive steps will be taken to subdue the enemy and that they will bear full responsibility for all the serious consequences of these reckless military operations.”
Sent by Chichkova
Received by Kirsanova
Authenticated by: [illegible signature]
A report from the North Korea Ministry of Internal Affairs on an alleged offensive carried out by South Korean forces and the official start of the Korean War.
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