March 1, 1977
CC CPSU Draft of a Report for the Press in Connection with J. Carter's Reception of Bukovsky
No. ST 46/15c of 03.01.77
Secretariat of the CC of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Draft of a report for the press in connection with J. Carter's reception of Bukovsky
(comrades Kirilenko, Kulakov, Pel'she, Solomentsev, Kapitonov, Dolgikh, Chernenko, Riabov)
To comply with the draft of the report for the press presented
by TASS (affixed).
Results of the vote
Taken at the session of the Secretariat of the CC 03\01\1977
Secretaries of the CC | - | cde. A.P. Kirilenko | -- | for |
| cde. F.D. Kulakov | -- | for |
| cde. I.V. Kapitonov | -- | for |
| cde. V.I. Dolgihk | -- | for |
| cde. K.U. Chernenko | -- | for |
| cde. Ia. P. Riabov | -- | for |
[signed] Ermolaev(?)
[illegible stamp]
[handwritten on form]
896 Excerpts to comrades - to cde. L.M. Zamiatin
to the first sector
distributed 03.01.77 [illegible signature]
to point 15s. pr No. 46
WASHINGTON, March 1 (TASS). Today the President of the USA, J. Carter received Bukovsky, turned out of the Soviet Union as a criminal offender, who is also known for his active opposition to the development of Soviet-American relations.
As announced by White House representatives, the conversation lasted for approximately one hour and was of a friendly nature (make this sentence more precise in accordance with the White House report, which will be made after 23:00 hours Moscow time).
In accordance with its commission, TASS presents the draft of a report for the press in connection with J. Carter's meeting with Bukovsky, the criminal turned out of the USSR.
Since, as it was announced in Washington, J. Carter's meeting with Bukovsky will probably take place today at approximately 23:00 hours Moscow time, TASS requests permission to distribute this report without additional consent to the press and radio, as soon as the White House report appears, announcing that such a meeting bas taken place.
I request consent.
L. Zamiatin
“/” March 1977
no. 38
The CC CPSU drafted a report to present to the press on President Jimmy Carter's reception of Bukovsky, who was expelled from the Soviet Union as a criminal offender.
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