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September 20, 1959

Communique from the Talks held between Ishibashi Tanzan and Zhou Enlai

This document was made possible with support from Henry Luce Foundation

Joint Communique


The Former Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Ishibashi Tanzan, visited the People’s Republic of China at the invitation of Zhou Enlai, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, from 9 September to 20 September 1959.


During the visit, Mr. Ishibashi had an honest and frank exchange of views with Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier Chen Yi in a friendly atmosphere. Both sides believed that the peoples of China and Japan should hold hands and contribute to peace in Far East and the world.


To achieve the above-mentioned goals, the peoples of China and Japan should conduct their relations on the principles of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, non-aggression against other states, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence as well as the ten principles of Bandung Conference. They should promote their friendship, strengthen their mutual trust, improve the current relations, and cooperate for realizing normalization between the two countries as soon as possible.


Premier Zhou pointed out that, for this purpose, Japan must get rid of outside interference, exclude hostile policies towards China, and not get involved in the conspiracy of creating “Two Chinas”. Responding to that, Mr. Ishibashi stated that wise people in Japan have never tolerated such thoughts and behaviors in the past, and would not tolerate them in the future.


Mr. Ishibashi stated that the Chinese and Japanese peoples should make efforts, based on their actual situations, for exchanges and developments in the political, economic and cultural spheres. Premier Zhou concurred with his statement, and pointed out the development of political and economic relations between the two countries should be integrated rather than separated.  Mr. Ishibashi concurred with this.


Mr. Ishibashi stated that concerning the above-mentioned situation, the current situation and established international relations of Japan are not completely satisfactory, and Japan should make maximum efforts to change [the situation] as soon as possible and gradually realize this goal. Premier Zhou said that this aspiration is welcomed and said that China is willing to see a quick realization of the above-listed desires of the Japanese people. Chinese people will give full support to all of the efforts made by the Japanese people working towards this goal, and sympathizes with the wishes of the Japanese people to be independent, free, democratic, peaceful, and neutral.


Mr. Ishibashi proposed that politicians and personages of all circles in both China and Japan should be put in more frequent contact with each other, exchanging their opinions frankly to promote mutual understanding and intimacy.


Premier Zhou stated that Mr. Ishibashi’s visit is beneficial to broadening mutual understanding. The Chinese government and the Chinese people will always welcome Japanese politicians and personages from all circles who have a sincere faith in Sino-Japanese friendship to visit China.


20 September 1959



Ishibashi Tanzan met with Zhou Enlai and both agreed that "the peoples of China and Japan should hold hands and contribute to peace in Far East and the world."

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PRC FMA 105-00669-04, 118-119. Obtained by Amy King and translated by Liu Meihan.


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Henry Luce Foundation