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December 13, 1962

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPCz), Record of Conversation with Bolivian Delegation to the XII Congress of the CPCz, Secretary in the Politboro of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bolivia, Raul Ruíz Gonzáles, Prague



Memorandum of Conversation with Bolivian Delegation to the XII Congress of the CPCz, secretary in the PB [Poliboro of the] CC [Central Committee of the] CP [Communist Party of] Bolivia Raul Ruíz Gonzáles

[13 December 1962]


Head of the Bolivian delegation asked for a meeting with cde. [comrade] Lastovicka for more thorough clarification of the attitudes of the Albanian Workers Party and the CP China.  He stated that recent developments in the international communist movement, particularly the stance of the CP China, had no doubt severely affected some politically and ideologically weak parties in Latin America, where there are many uncertainties as to where we stand in relations to the CP China.  Furthermore, some comrades from fraternal parties in Latin America have from earlier visits made close contacts with the CP China, and the CP China had to some extent affected them.  Due to the worsening of relations between the CP China and the international communist movement, it is possible that these conditions cause extremely difficult internal situations in some parties.  According to Ruíz, a similar situation exists in the CC of the CP Bolivia, which is reflected in the recent decision of the Politboro of the CC CP Bolivia not to continue sending party comrades for training in the PRC [Peoples’ Republic of China].

The leadership of the Bolivian party believes it will bring about a long and hard ideological struggle within the party in order to confront and eradicate some misconceptions.  For this reason, this delegation to our congress was entrusted to become fully informed about the overall development of the attitudes of the Albanian Workers Party toward the international communist movement, so that the CP Bolivia leadership can be armed with sufficient facts and arguments.  After their visit to Czechoslovakia, they will travel on to the USSR where these issues will be discussed with the CC of the CPSU [Communist Party of the Soviet Union].

After cde. Latovicka presented information on the position of the Albanian leaders and regarding meetings with the CP China delegation, which participated in our congress, cde. Ruíz, on behalf of the Bolivian party leadership, asked for the assistance of the CC of the CPCz in the following cases:

1. The CC of the CP Bolivia asks for the provision of printing machines – machines for sheet-printing format 80 x 120cm and linotype or intertype.  The CC of the CP Bolivia intends to establish a corporation with [Fernando] Siñani, the progressive publisher of the weekly El Pueblo, which would publish El Pueblo as well as the party weekly Unidad.  The two required machines would be the contributions made by the PCB to enter the company.  According to the Bolivian comrade, Siñani’s current printing device is outdated and probably will not be printing for more than two more years.  Creating the company would also enable the CP Bolivia to positively influence the overall orientation of El Pueblo.  Last year, the CC SED [East German Communist Party] entirely provided the Bolivian comrades with equipment for the current printer.  Machines were installed but the CC CP Bolivia failed to provide a suitable facility.  The machines supplied by the GDR [East Germany] were intended by the CC CP Bolivia to build a commercial printer which would not publish the Party paper.  The party weekly would be issued in the printing company founded by Siñani.  CC CP Bolivia expects this would eliminate existing difficulties with issuing party publications and that the commercial press projects could improve the party’s financial situation.

2. [One paragraph regarding expenses for Bolivian students in Prague.]

3. The CC CP Bolivia has sent several comrades for training in Cuba.  Due to considerable complications with their return via Mexico, it was decided to return to Bolivia via Prague.  Cde. Ruíz asked us to provide them with assistance in their passage through Prague: accommodation, ensuring confidentially, customs, and immigration papers.  Travel expenses are paid by themselves.

Opinion: XII Department of the CC CPCz re: the CC PCB request:

1. Neither of the printing machines requested by the CC PCB is produced in the CSSR.  The GDR produces machines for sheet printing, and linotype is produced in the USSR.  In both cases these are large printing machines whose total costs amount to about $cr 300,000.  We do not recommend this request.

2. [One paragraph regarding expenses for Bolivian students in Prague.]

3. We recommend that you comply with this PCB request and provide assistance to the Bolivian comrades passing through the CSSR from Havana to La Paz and to ensure secure accommodation at a hotel in Prague.




This meeting represents the unofficial side of Czechoslovak foreign policy toward Cold War Latin America: its relations with the region’s Communist parties. Ruíz asks for information on the growing rift between China and the Soviet Union. The meeting, which took place at Ruíz’s request, resulted in several Bolivian Communists being sheltered through Prague’s Operation Manuel on their way home from guerrilla training in Cuba.

Document Information


Inv.č. 94, ka. 74, Komunistická strana Československa, Ústřední výbor, Kancelář 1, tajemníka ÚV KSČ Antonína Novotného-II. Č, Národní archiv, Prahu. Obtained by Thomas Field with help from Vlasta Měšťánková; translated by Jiri Macek.


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Memorandum of Conversation


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