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April 7, 1978

Council of Ministers of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, No. 16-115, to MCP Central Committee, 'Consolidating the Technical-Material Base of TV-Radio Broadcasting in Moldovia'

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

About the Implementation of the Decisions Adopted

with Regard to Consolidating the Technical-Material Base of TV-Radio Broadcasting in the Moldavian SSR and the Regulation of Subscriptions to Literature and Periodicals from the SRR and of the Entrance into Moldavia of Romanian Tourists and Citizens for Private Purposes



In view of the implementation of the decision of the CPSU CC of 5 November 1970 “Regarding Measures of Continual Intensification of Ideological Work among the Ranks of the Population in the Moldavian SSR and in the Cernăuţi region of the Ukrainian SSR” and of the disposition of the USSR Council of Ministers of 7 April 1976, No. 681-rs, as well as of the respective decisions of the Moldavian Communist Party CC and of the Moldavian SSR Council of Ministers, it was established that a series of concrete measures would be undertaken in the republic for the consolidation of the planned technical-material base of television and radio broadcasting by 1980.


In particular, it is planned:

  • To finalize construction and begin operation of the Bălţi-Edineţ radio-relay line;
  • To construct the retranslation television station in Edineţ and the 150 kW medium-wave radio-transmitter;
  • To conclude in 1976 the construction of the bloc for studios and color television equipment and film production of the Radio-Television Center  in Chişinău;
  • To realize, during 1977-1980, the construction of the Republic House of Radio Broadcasting and sound stage;
  • To realize the reconstruction (in the first stage), during 1978-1980, of a complex of studios and equipment of the Radio-Television Center in Chişinău;
  • To construct and to begin operation in Rezina, during 1977-1979, of a television station and a radio-relay line;
  • To install a transmitter for radio broadcasting in two programs in ultra-short wave at the Television Station in Ungheni;
  • To assure the re-allocation of supplementary capital investment for the reconstruction during 1978-1980 of television stations in the cities of Cahul and Bălţi and the installation, during 1978-1979, of transmitters in order to assure the transmission of televised broadcasts in two programs in Ungheni and in the city of Cimislia;
  • To reallocate, in 1978, a medium-wave transmitter with a 500 kW capacity for amplifying the audibility of the first republic radio program in the territory of the Moldavian SSR.


The realization of these measures is accomplished, however, with great delay, through the fault of both the organization of construction and assembly, and of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of the Moldavian SSR and of the Moldavian SSR Ministry of Telecommunications.


The Bălţi-Edineţ radio-relay lines were installed as was the 150 kW medium-wave radio-transmitter. In 1977, the construction of the bloc for studios and color television equipment and film production was concluded at a cost of 7.1 million rubles and the construction of the Republic House of Radio Broadcasting was begun with a detailed estimate of costs of 6.43 million rubles. In the current year, the reconstruction of the complex for studios and television equipment at the Radio-Television Center in Chişinău and the construction of the television station in Rezina were started. Up until the end of the year, the second transmitter at the television stations in Ungheni and the city of Cimislia is planned to be set up.


As a result of the measures adopted regarding the consolidation of the technical-material base of television and radio broadcasting in the republic, the fixed funds of this undertaking [ramuri] have increased in the new five-year plan and in two years of the current five-year plan from 3.5 million rubles up to 14.1 million rubles, or four times.


This has created the possibility of expanding the duration of televised transmissions for the two principal programs, from 18 hours per day, as it was in 1970, up to 29 hours in the current year, the total volume of radio transmissions growing from 24.1 hours to 30.6 hours.


In the 10th five-year plan, for the continued development of the technical-material base of television 10.07 million rubles in investment capital are foreseen. However, as a result of insufficient capitalization in 1976-1977, the real danger appears that, up until the end of the five-year plan, the construction of the Republic House of Radio Broadcasting and the reconstruction of the complex for studios and equipment at the Radio-Television Center in Chişinău will not be concluded.


The alarming fact is that at present in many villages situated on the border with Romania the reception of programs one and two of the republic television is not assured. In the best of cases, these transmissions can be received with the condition of installing some high antennas, while for program two an adaptor that costs 45 rubles is also necessary. Concerning the transmissions of Romanian Television, they are received in all of the villages in the border zone with only a room antenna, and their image is always clear and stable.


In the aim of continually increasing the efficiency and quality of television and radio broadcasts and of intensifying their ideological influence over the masses, it would be opportune to realize a series of organizational measures and, first of all, of increasing the volume of TV and radio broadcasts, especially prolonging the program of the Republic Television up until 24-01.


For that, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

  • To undertake a demarche in the respective Union organs for obtaining an expansion of the volume of TV and radio transmissions;
  • To increase the TV-Radio offerings with films, shows, video concert programs, recordings with transmissions of the TV-Radio Broadcasting Center, etc.;
  • To assure the reception with special destination from the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of the USSR and from the State Committee for Cinematography of the USSR of copies of artistic films and documentaries produced in studios around the country, in order to be shown on (Moldavian) television;
  • To find supplementary financial means, of approximately 1.2 million rubles per year, for the costs connected with prolonging the hours of transmission.


Regarding the longer-term perspective, conforming to the specialists of the USSR Ministry of Telecommunications and the State Committee for TV and Radio Broadcasting of the USSR, in time, a new station will be constructed in the area of the city of Straseni, with a higher dimensions than the currently existing one, on a tall pylon of 360 meters which, taking into account the topographic relief of the locality, will be taller by 240 meters than the television tower in Chişinău. This is even more important because the television towers of Romania are in dimension considerably higher than those of Moldavia.


The procurement of published literature in the SRR and the subscription to Romanian newspapers and journals can be characterized through the following data.


Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences, from the account of the USSR Academy of Sciences, has procured the Romanian publications:





Books (copies)




Journals (titles)






“N. K. Krupskaia” State Library of the Republic has procured:





Books (copies)




Journals (titles)




Newspapers (titles)






For 1978, the “Soiuzpechiat” organizations arranged subscriptions for 61 newspapers and 195 journals. The subscription was effected through coordination with the Section of Information and Foreign Relations of the Moldavian Communist Part CC. 15 newspapers and 252 journals, including the fashion magazine—in 200 copies—will be for sale in 1978.


105,689 SRR citizens visited the republic during 1970-1977 through the intermediary of the “Intourist” network, including in 1976—26,612—and in 1977—14,837. Entry into Moldavia is planned by “Intourist” USSR. Along with Moldavia, Romanian tourists visit other Soviet republics as well.


In this same period, 2,821 persons left Moldavia for Romania as tourists, including 656 in 1976 and 621 in 1977. As a rule, aside from Romania, the tourists also visit Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. Only in 1977 did a group of tourists leave for Romania without visiting another country as well.


During 1970-1977 56,651 SRR citizens arrived in Moldavia for private reasons, while, during the same years, 33,499 MSSR citizens visited Romania.

Taken by year, the data are the following:



Entry into the MSSR

Departure to the SRR



























The departure documents are completed by the MIA [Ministry of Internal Affairs] in conformity with the Soviet-Romanian accord of 30 June 1969 on the exchange of visas for business, tourism and personal travel.


The above data demonstrate the fact that the field work for reducing the number of travelers for private purposes is insufficiently developed and that, in the majority of cases, departures are permitted that are not strictly necessary.


With the aim of regulating the acquisition of Romanian literature and periodical publications, as well as for reducing the entrances of Romanian citizens into Moldavia and the departure of the inhabitants of Moldavia into the SRR, it would be rational to accomplish the following:

  • To task the Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences and the Moldavian SSR Ministry of Culture to review the list of periodical publications ordered from the SRR, to supervise and ensure that the departmental libraries should make subscriptions to the necessary publications only with the permission of the leadership of the Academy and of the Ministry. Concurrently with this, a strict manner of utilizing Romanian literature [should] be established;
  • To oblige the Moldavian SSR MIA to examine, in the strictest manner, the documents referring to the entry into Moldavia of Romanian citizens and to the departure of inhabitants of Moldavia [for Romania]; to coordinate these with the Soviet [state security] organs and with those of the party. To approve them only in the case of sufficient motive. To place the responsibility for the justification of issuing the exit and entry documents on the appropriate personnel in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • To go to “Intourist” USS with the proposal to reduce both the number of tourists from the SRR who visit Moldavia, and the term of their stay in the republic.


First Vice-President [Loctitor] of the Moldavian SSR Council of Ministers, Gh. Eremei (signature)




Instructions from the Moldavian Council of Ministers for improving tv and radio broadcasting in Moldavia. Instructions were also given to various cultural organizations, print publishers, and border control units to be more watchful of nationalist propaganda entering Moldavia from Romania.

Document Information


AOSPRM, fond. 51, inv. 47, dosar 11, filele 63-67; Document No. 66 in Elena Negru and Gheorghe Negru, “PCM şi Naţionalism (1965-1989): Documente adunate în cadrul programului de cercetări effectuate de câtre Comisia pentru studierea şi aprecierea regimului tolitar communist din Republica Moldova,” special edition, Destin românesc, vol. 16, no. 5-6 (2010), pp. 201-205. Translated for CWIHP by Larry L. Watts.


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Leon Levy Foundation