A brief overview of the political, economic and cultural relations between Bulgaria and Zimbabwe. Some of the items mentioned are meetings between Bulgarian leader Todor Zhivkov and Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, the creation of the Bulgarian-Zimbabwean Parliamentary Association, a visit to Zimbabwe by leading Bulgarian politician Grisha Filipov, trade and economic agreements between the two countries, a celebration marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of Georgi Dimitrov (the first Communist leader of Bulgaria), and Bulgarian outreach to Zimbabwean students.
July 1988
Current Relations Between Bulgaria and the South-West African People's Organization (SWAPO)
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
In comparison with other National Liberation Movements in the south part of Africa, the relations between BCP and SWAPO are relatively new. Direct contacts with this movement were established in 1977.
In 1977 at CC BCP invitation SW APO delegation led by Sam Nujoma visited our country. Comrade Todor Zhivkov welcomed and held talks with Sam Nujoma Leader of SWAPO delegation at the Peoples World Parliament (Sofia, 1980) was Sam Nujoma.
Delegation led by SWAPO National Chairman David Merero took part in the work of XII BCP Congress [1981].
In October 1983 SW APO delegation led by its Chairman Sam Nujoma visited our country. Comrade Todor Zhivkov welcomed and held talks with Sam Nujoma.
In November 1984 a 3-member SWAPO delegation led by Richard Kapelua, Member of CC Politburo SWAPO, visited our country.
In the beginning of 1985 a Regional Symposium on Namibia was carried out with the participation of SWAPO Secretary-General- Toivo Ya Toivo.
Festus Naholo - CC Member and Defense Secretary, led SWAPO delegation at XII BCP Congress [1986].
The Bulgarian Communist Party renders to SWAPO moral and material assistance, including special equipment.
SWAPO fighters and functionaries are welcomed for medical treatment and spending vacations in our country. More than 90 SWAPO active participants have graduated or are educated in the CC BCP's Academy of Social Management and Political Studies, and several universities and technical schools in Bulgaria.
June 1988
Foreign Policy and International Relations Department, CC BCP
An overview of the development of relations between Bulgaria and SWAPO from the late 1970s through the late 1980s. Several visits to Bulgaria from SWAPO (and future Namibian) President Sam Nujoma are mentioned, as are visits from SWAPO's Richard Kapuela, Toivo Ya Toivo, Festus Naholo, and David Merero. Bulgarian Chariman of the State Council, Todor Zhivkov, conducted the meetings with Nujoma. Also mentioned are Bulgarian offers for SWAPO members to come to Bulgaria for education, vacation and medical treatment.
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