May 3, 1986
Deputy Head of the 6th Department of the KGB Administration Lieut. Col. Aksenov, 'Notice of Emergency Incident'
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
Copy # 1
On May 2nd, work continued on localization of the accident and investigation of its possible causes.
In order to create an absorptive screen, 900 tons of lead were thrown on the center of the accident on the 2nd of May. After observation of the reactor further measures will be taken.
On May 2nd, 21 persons were sent for treatment in Kiev. / Of those who were evacuated / from the Chernobyl district 18 persons were police officers and auxiliary police.
The decision was taken by the Government Commission to evacuate the Pripyat and Komsomolets Poles’ia state farms and Kalinina collective farm from the zone within 10 kilometers / overall 12 population centers /.
During meetings with intelligence sources additional information was obtained about the violations of the technical process during the conducting of an experiment in turbogenerator #8 of the 4th energy block.
Based on the results of work with intelligence agents, an analysis was conducted of the facts related to the emergency incident, on the basis of which a likely model of the incident was constructed. This will be used for further investigation, as well as to establish which persons are guilty for creating the causes and circumstances that led to the incident.
An intelligence investigation team is preparing for a trip to Ivankov.
According to decision that has been made, the city of Chernobyl will be evacuated either at night from 3-4:00 or at 4:00 in the morning.
The level of radioactivity in the zone [of the plant] is 100-150 roentgens per hour, and in the city of Chernobyl it is 32 milliroentgens per hour / 0.032 roentgens per hour/.
Reported: Deputy Head of the 6th Department of the KGB Administration Lieut. Col. Aksenov
3 May 1986 11:30
This note explains the processes of localizing the effects of the accident, lead deposits in the area, and the evacuation of collective farms and the city of Chernobyl.
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