November 1957
Events of Ukrainian Republican Committee of Peace Protection Devoted to Issue of Stopping the Nuclear Test and Prevention of the Nuclear War
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
Events of the Ukrainian Republican Committee of Peace Protection Devoted to Issue of Stopping the Nuclear Test and Prevention of the Nuclear War.
- The meeting of the medical scientists of Kiev city.
25 November 1957
Comrades Shupik, Kovetsky, Makarchenko.[i]
- Meeting of the lawyers of Kiev city
26 November 1957
- Meeting of the scientists of Lvov city
23 November 1957
The City Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine
- Meeting of the laborers and engineers of Petrovsky facility in Dnepropetrovsk city
23 November 1957
City Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, member of the Committee comrade Starodubov
- Meeting of engineers of Stalino city
City Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine
- Meeting of the laborers of Odessa seaport
20-25 November 1957
City Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine
- Meeting with the collective farmers of “October’s Achievement” kolkhoz in Talnovsky district of Cherkassy region.
Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, member of the Committee comrade Dubkovetsky
During the meetings, it is necessary to present a report about struggle of the Soviet people for peace and friendship between nations and accept a resolution that will contain a demand to stop nuclear testing and prevent nuclear war. These resolutions will be sent through the Soviet Committee of Peace Protection to the United Nations Secretariat.
[i] These were people who were responsible for organizing the event (translator's note)
This document lists events which the Ukrainian Republican Committee of Peace Protection planned to hold during November 1957 in order to propagate against the nuclear tests and nuclear war. For example, on November 25, 1957 Committee planned to organize meeting of the medical scientists; on November 23 it planned to hold meeting of scientists of Lvov; on November 20 – 25 Committee was going to hold meeting of workers of Odessa seaport etc.
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