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December 15, 1947

Explanation of the Dissolution of the Indochinese Communist Party in 1945

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

[Marked ‘translated from French’, and with the penciled date 15-XII-47 followed by a question mark.]  


Situation Within the Party


On 11 November 1945 the Party was dissolved, to our great regret.  The reasons for the dissolution:


1. During the years of the World War, the Party’s role for national liberation had been so dominant that this had provoked suspicion and distrust on the international level.


2. The Party was completely isolated, and was not able to maintain any systematic relations with any fraternal party in other countries.


3. The French move into South Vietnam (Cochinchina), the occupation by the Chinese forces in the north, the blackmail of our Party by the French, in order to deceive the Americans and Chinese – these were decisive factors.


4. The concession made to the Chinese reactionaries, who directly or indirectly demanded this.


5, On the internal level, in order to bring about authentic national unity.


6. Inasmuch as our Party has unceasingly struggled in underground conditions, even when its existence was recognized internationally, its dissolution could in no way have a negative influence on its revolutionary position or its position as a party of the avant-garde.


7. The position of the Viet Minh is so secure within Vietnam, while its policies are fully controlled, from top to bottom, by the Party, that the Party’s political line can in no way be compromised by its dissolution.


8. The creation of a Marxist Study Group after the Party’s dissolution, and the publication of a cultural weekly, Truth [Su That], the existence of a daily paper National Salvation [Cuu Quoc] , as well as the leadership of the Viet Minh, permits the spread of Marxism-Leninism among the activists and the masses, in spite of the fact that officially the Party no longer exists.


9. The dissolution of the Party is purely formal, and has only been registered officially, while all sections and cells have been given precise instructions to continue Party activities.



List of reasons for the dissolution of the Indochinese Communist Party by the Viet Minh in 1945. The list was provided by Pham Ngoc Thach while meeting with the Soviet Envoy in Switzerland A. G. Kulazhenkov in September 1947.


Document Information


Russian State Archive for Social and Political History (RGASPI), collection 17 (Central Committee), inventory 128, item 404. Translated for CWIHP by Sophie Quinn-Judge.


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Leon Levy Foundation