July 10, 1972
Hungarian Embassy in the DPRK, Telegram, 10 July 1972. Subject: Vietnamese Reactions to the Joint Declaration of the Two Koreas
This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification
In response to a question, the South Vietnamese [PRG] ambassador, who paid me a farewell visit on [July] 8th, declared, among others, the following:
1) In his view, the North Korean-South Korean joint declaration is [at least] as harmful to the existing but weak South Korean revolutionary forces as it is useful for the relaxation of tension on the Korean Peninsula, because it disarms [the revolutionaries].
2) In his view, for the time being the main beneficiary of the joint declaration is Park Chung Hee, because it reinforces his position.
Comment: it is possible that this is not just the personal opinion of the South Vietnamese ambassador but—taking into consideration the present difficult conditions in Vietnam—also the opinion of Vietnam.
The South Vietnamese ambassador also emphasized that the Vietnamese had supported the idea of [finding] a peaceful solution for the Korean question from the very beginning, and they would also like to solve their own Vietnamese question by peaceful means, but only in a principled way, without giving up their principles. The North Korean-South Korean joint declaration makes one think that the North gave up its principles, but this issue requires further analysis.
137 – K.
질문에 대한 대답으로, [7월] 8일 나를 응답 방문한 남베트남 [민족해방전선] 대사는 다음과 같이 말했다.
1) 그의견해로, 북조선과남한간의공동성명은한반도에서의긴장을완화하는데유용한만큼, 미약하게나마존재하는남한의혁명세력에게해로운영향을미치기도한다. 그이유는남북공동성명은 [혁명세력이] 무력화되는결과를초래하기때문이다.
2) 그의 견해로, 현재로서 공동성명은 박정희 대통령에게 가장 이득이 되며 그의 지위를 강화해주는 효과가 있다.
비고: 현재 베트남이 처한 어려운 상황을 고려할 때, 위와 같은 견해는 단지 남베트남 대사의 개인적인 견해가 아닌, 베트남 전체의 견해일 가능성이 있다.
남베트남 대사는 또한, 베트남은 처음부터 한반도 문제에 대한 평화적인 해결책[을 찾는] 방안을 지지해 왔다는 점, 그리고 베트남의 문제 또한 평화적인 방법으로, 단 베트남이 정한 원칙을 저버리지 않는 원칙에 입각한 방식으로 해결하기를 원하고 있다는 점을 강조했다. 남북공동성명은 북측이 자신의 원칙을 포기했다는 인상을 주기도 하지만, 이 문제는 보다 심도 있는 분석이 필요하다.
- 137 - K. -
The telegram discusses the South Vietnamese reactions to the joint declaration of North and South Korea. The ambassador expresses his reservations about it, as he fears it may disarm the revolutionaries in the South.
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