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April 14, 1975

Japanese Foreign Ministry, 'Opening Statement regarding the Minister for Foreign Affairs Miyazawa’s Visit to the United States'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

Opening Statement regarding the Minister for Foreign Affairs Miyazawa’s Visit to the United States

1975. 4. 14

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


This time, I visited Washington D.C. and met with Secretary of State Kissinger on April 11. At that time, I had the following discussions on Japan’s security issues.


1. First of all, I and Secretary of State Kissinger recognized that continuing to maintain the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty serves the long-term interests of both Japan and the United States, and that the U.S. nuclear capability is an important deterrence against attacks on Japan.


2. In this regard, Secretary of State Kissinger made it clear to me that the United States will continue to adhere to its pledge under the Security Treaty to defend Japan in the event of an armed attack on Japan by either nuclear or conventional forces.



A brief summary of Miyazawa's meeting with Kissinger.

Document Information


Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, File No. 2014-2755. Contributed by Yoko Iwama and Yu Takeda and translated by Ju Hyung Kim.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)