Kim Il Sung expressed indignation toward Mao Zedong after reading a statement alleging that Kim Il Sung is a traitor to the communist cause.
June 25, 1960
Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 25 June 1960
This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification
IN THE DPRK East Department stamp: Secretariat stamp:
Nº 134 SECRET Incoming Nº 01711s SECRET Incoming Nº
9 August 1960 12-18 August 1960] 09152gs
12 August 1960]
Copy Nº 1
[Stamp: Foreign Policy Archive
Fond [[too faded to read]
Opis' 16, Yed. Khr. 85?7]
of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A. M. PUZANOV for the period
13 through 28 June 1960
25 June 1960
In a conversation with me (by VCh) Minister of Internal Affairs Pang Hak-se said that on return to Pyongyang Kim Il Sung gathered the KWP CC department chiefs, several ministers, and the chairmen of provincial Party committees and informed them of the results of his trip to Moscow. At this meeting Kim Il Sung told those present about the meetings and conversations in the Kremlin with CPSU CC Presidium members Cdes. F. R. Kozlov, A. N. Kosygin, A. I. Mikoyan, and especially about the meeting and the more than five-hour conversation with Cde. N. S. Khrushchev. Kim Il Sung talked in detail and with indignation about the Chinese leaders opening a conflict against the CPSU CC on fundamental ideological issues using factional methods. He also said that he was familiarized with documents in Moscow which contain outrageous and slanderous statements and assessments about him, Kim Il Sung, by Mao Zedong.
In Pang Hak-se's words, in his speech Kim Il Sung said that Mao Zedong was completely wrong in speaking against the CPSU, that he has no basis for this, that the CPSU is taking principled Leninist positions on the issue of peaceful coexistence with countries with different socioeconomic systems and on other issues, that the speech and the entire behavior of Mao Zedong says one thing, "Mao wants to be the fifth in the world, namely: Marx - Engels - Lenin - Stalin - Mao Zedong".
Speaking of the policy of the Chinese with respect to Korea, Kim Il Sung declared that they want to turn Korea into a colony of China. Kim Il Sung called upon those present to exhibit vigilance since there might be new provocations from the Chinese.
Pang Hak-se said, this trip to Moscow by Kim Il Sung and especially the conversation with Cde. N. S. Khrushchev was at just the right time. When Kim Il Sung, Kim Chang-man, and others were in Peking in the latter half of May and met Mao Zedong the Chinese tried to win them over and manipulated them in the direction the Chinese needed. On return from Peking Kim Il Sung said at a KWP CC Presidium [meeting] that the Chinese leaders treated them well and with sincerity. In Moscow from the documents and the conversation with Cde. N. S. Khrushchev Kim Il Sung found out and was convinced of the dishonesty and perfidious behavior of Mao Zedong with respect to him, Kim Il Sung and the incorrect behavior with respect to the CPSU.
Then Pang Hak-se said that there still might be a struggle inside the KWP CC. For example, some Presidium members, especially Rim Hae (Minister of Foreign Trade) and Kim Chang-man (Deputy Chairman of the KWP CC) are pro-Chinese. Some KWP CC officials and ministers are also [Chinese-] oriented.
Pang Hak-se also said that when he accompanied Kim Il Sung to the place of his rest ([Chanson], not far from the Supung Hydroelectric Station) Kim Il Sung spoke with great indignation about the intrigues and dirty tricks of the Chinese against the Koreans and now against the CPSU, and repeatedly warned him, Pang Hak-se, about increasing vigilance.
Pang Hak-se noted: it looked as if Kim Il Sung's sentiments were sincere, and now he does not trust the Chinese and says that he won't go there any more.
[signature] (A. PUZANOV)
Five copies printed - vp
1 - to Cde. A. A. Gromyko
2 - to Cde. Yu. V. Andropov
3 - to Cde. I. I. Tugarinov
4 - to the USSR MFA UVPI
5 - to file
Nº 397 8 August 1960
Kim Il Sung gathers senior North Korean officials to inform them of the results of his visit to Moscow, and vehemently criticizes Mao Zedong.
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