November 6, 1960
Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 6 November 1960
This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification
MFA stamp: Copy Nº 1
19 January 1961
31 December 1960
Nº 169
of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK Cde. A. M. PUZANOV
from 19 October through 7 November 1960
6 November 1960
A ceremonial meeting was held in the Bolshoi Theater in the evening devoted to the 43rd anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
All Presidium members except Kim Il Sung were present at the meeting. Deputy KWP CC Chairman Pak Geum-cheol said that Kim Il Sung is unwell, and therefore could not be present at the ceremonial meeting.
KWP CC Presidium member and Deputy Chairman of the DPRK Cabinet of Ministers, and Chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee Jeong Il-yong gave a report. He expressed congratulations to the Soviet people, the CPSU, and Soviet government in the name of the Worker's Party and DPRK government. Later in the report it spoke briefly about the remarkable successes achieved by the Soviet people in the building of Communism. He also said that the Chinese people are struggling right now to build a socialist state which has modern industry, agriculture, science, and technology in a shorter time, and to successfully accomplish the task of catching up to and surpassing Britain in 10 years in the production of the primary types of industrial production.
Then the report touched on the issue of the struggle for peace in the entire world and also the issue of the development of the Korean revolution and the successes achieved by the DPRK. The report also spoke about the main tasks of the new seven-year DPRK development plan and the situation in the South of Korea.
Characterizing the role the contemporary revisionism in the international worker's movement, Jeong Il-yong said the following, "The anti-revolutionary, anti-Party ideology of factionalists who raised their heads in our country in August 1956 were hired from the ideological arsenal of contemporary revisionism, the boss of which is the Yugoslav clique of Tito. Rejecting the dictatorship of the proletariat in our country they opposed the socialist revolution, scheming bring our Party and our people together on the path to capitulation to American imperialism.
The entire Party, stubbornly defending the Marxist-Leninist course and leadership of the Central Committee of our Party led by Cde. Kim Il Sung, completely exposed the revisionist view of the anti-Party factionalist elements and upheld the unity and solidarity of the Party, defeating their anti-revolutionary plot".
The report stresses, "We should strengthen singularity ("juche"), and completely implement the Party line directed at subordinating everything to the interests of the Korean revolution. Only thus will we be able to make our contribution to the cause of world revolution and be able to be devoted to the duty of proletarian internationalism".
The fact that the report essentially said nothing about the enormous material and moral aid of the Soviet Union to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea except the following words, "rationally using all the inner reserves and aid of the Soviet Union, the PRC, and the other fraternal socialist countries, the Party completely put into effect the line pointed out by the Central Committee of the Party and Cde. Kim Il Sung" stands out.
I gave a short speech at the meeting which was published in full in the 8 November newspapers.
Invitations to the ceremonial meeting were distributed in the name of the board of the Korean-Soviet Friendship Society. The meeting was opened and led by Society Chairman Ri Gi-yeong.
SOVIET AMBASSADOR IN THE DPRK [signature] (A. Puzanov)
Five copies sent vp
1 - Cde. A. A. Gromyko
2 - Cde. Yu. V. Andropov
3 - Cde. V. I. Tugarinov
5 - to file
Nº 556 31 December 1960
A.M. Puzanov reports on Jeong Il-yong's report on the Korean revolution during the 43rd anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
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