November 15, 1991
Letter from G.F. Kunadze to R.I. Khazbulatov
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15.11.91 2559
Esteemed Ruslan Imranovich!
In accordance with your instructions, M[inistry] F[oreign] A[ffairs] R[ussian] S[oviet] F[ederative] S[ocialist] R[epublic] discussed with the South Korean side a range of questions connection with your forthcoming visit to the Republic of Korea.
The Korean side attaches great importance to your visit, because in its understanding it must initiate the process of the political dialogue at the high level between Russian and Korea, which will lead to the visit of President B.N. Yeltsin in May-June 1992 (a preliminary agreement—in principle—is contained in the message of reply of B.N. Yeltsin to President Roh Tae-woo).
The dates of your visit have been set to December 4 (Wednesday) to December 6 (Friday) (departure from Moscow—December 3, departure from Seoul—7 December).
2. We suppose that in the course of your visit the Korean side will give attention to the following questions:
The approach of the Russian side to the problem of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which has become extremely acute in recent time on the Korean Peninsula in connection with the DPRK’s refusal to place its nuclear program under the effective control of the I[nternational] A[tomic] E[nergy] A[gency].
On November 8 President Roh Tae-woo declared that the Republic of Korea rejects the production, the possession, and the deployment of nuclear weapons and is prepared to place its territory under the control of the IAEA. In this connection we, probably, will need to give a positive assessment of the aforementioned declaration.
Besides, it would be desirable to declare that Russia is prepared to terminate cooperation with the D[emocratic] P[eople’s] R[epublic] K[orea] in the military and nuclear spheres, review and downsize programs of other aid to Pyongyang, in case if the North Koreans refuse to immediately join the IAEA system (a draft of the relevant resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR has been passed by us to the Committee for International Affairs and External Economic Relations, to Lukin V.P.).
Deputy minister G. Kunadze
G.F. Kunadze speculates that North Korea's nuclear program will be a topic of conversation during high-level dialogues between Russia and South Korea.
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