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April 6, 1950

Letter, Muhammad Amin Bughra, Isa Yusuf Alptekin, and Colonel Adam Sabri to Owen Lattimore

Exiled in India, Bugrha, Alptekin, and Sabri ask Lattimore for financial and material support. They also praise Dean Acheson's January 1950 Press Club Speech.

Document Information


Folder 14 "Sinkiang Refugees 1950-1951", Box 5, Subseries 3 (Correspondence), Series 4 (Owen Lattimore), Subgroup 2 (Administrative Records, 1924-1955), Record Group 08.010, Records of Walter Hines Page School of International Relations 1923/1955, Ferdinand Hamburger Archives, Sheridan Libraries, Johns Hopkins University. Obtained by Charles Kraus.


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