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August 1949

Liu Shaoqi to Cde. G.M. Malenkov

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

[to]  Cde. G. M. MALENKOV!


We consider it necessary to inform you of the following in connection with sending our communications workers to the province of Xinjiang:


A. The list of those being sent:


1) Deng Liqun, age 34, a native of the province of Hunan, China, and a member of the CPC since 1936. He is an official of the CPC CC staff.


2) Wang Naijing, age 26, a native of the province of Shanxi, China. He has worked in PLA units since 1938, and has been a member of the CPC since 1938. He is an official of the CPC CC staff, a cipher clerk.


3) Duan Hengde, age 26, a native of the province of Henan, China, and a CPC member since 1937. He is an official of the CPC CC staff, a radio operator.


4) Li Dongxiang, age 24, a native of the province of Hebei, China, and has worked in PLA units since 1940. He is an official of the CPC CC staff, a radio operator.


Cde. Deng Liqun is the leader of this group.


The comrades have already been prepared to depart.


B. The radio station in Ghulja should be organized to establish communications with the CPC CC (Beijing) and with Cde. Peng Dehuai, the Commanding General of First Front. At first this radio station should also establish communications with the Moscow radio station. This is necessary in order to help the radio station in Ghulja quickly establish communications between it and Beijing and the Headquarters of the First Front. If you agree with this, please give instructions to the appropriate body.


Liu Shaoqi


[date not filled in] August 1949

Liu Shaoqi informs Malenkov that Deng Liqun will lead a team to the East Turkestan Republic and establish radio communication with Moscow and later with Peng Dehuai.


Document Information


PRC FMA 109-00004-03, 10. Translated by Gary Goldberg.


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MacArthur Foundation, Blavatnik Family Foundation and Henry Luce Foundation