January 29, 1968
Memorandum of Conversation with the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of Hungary, Comrade Kadasch
The conversation took place at the request of the Hungarians immediately after a visit of Ambassador Kadasch to the Deputy Foreign Minister, Ho Seok-tae.
The first secretary of the Soviet Embassy, Comrade Zvetkov, who visited Comrade Jarck at that time, also joined the conversation.
Comrade Kadasch informed us about the following:
Ho Seok-tae had called upon him to come to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at short notice, in order to inform him about a decision of the government of the DPRK. Ho Seok-tae said by way of introduction that he still holds in principle to his earlier expressed personal opinion about the question of the Security Council in the context of the American spy ship. But considering the fact that South Korea intends to join the conference of the Security Council to attack the DPRK there and considering the fact that the Security Council wants to discuss not only the incident with the American spy ship ‘Pueblo,' but also the events in South Korea, the government of the DPRK had decided to send a delegation to the conference of the Security Council.
Ho Seok-tae asked the Hungarian side to do everything within their power to correctly explain during the conference of the Security Council that the events in South Korea are acts of South Korean partisans. Those are actions of the South Korean population against dictatorship and repression by the Park Chung Hee clique and the American aggressors. Ho Seok-tae went on, that the communists also support the negro movement in the U.S. and nobody dares to blame the communists for having instigated that movement.
Concluding, Ho Seok-tae asked the Hungarian ambassador to convey to the Hungarian delegation in New York to cooperate closely in all these matters with the Soviet delegation to the U.N.
Acting Ambassador
1 x Comrade Schneidewind
1 x Central Committee, Comrade Markowski
1 x Embassy
Ho Seok-tae informs Comrade Kadasch that he is going to send a delegation to the United Nations Security Council to explain the USS Pueblo incident and that he has asked the Hungarians to defend the DPRK at the UN.
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