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August 24, 1973

Memorandum, from Holsey G. Handyside, Director of Politico-Military Affairs, Office of Atomic Energy and Aerospace, to Seymour Weiss, 'Speculation: Possibility of High Level Contact Between US and French Governments'

This speculates on the French/U.S. missile connection and notes that Blancard is probably a key player, having most likely met with officials in Washington. Blancard would have reported any such talks to Galley, and so Schlesinger will need to be properly informed about the situation before meeting with Galley.

Document Information


National Archives, Record Group 59, Numeric-Subject Files, 1970-1973. Top Secret Files, box 5, DEF 12 FR. Obtained and contributed by William Burr and included in NPIHP Research Update #2.


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