November 30, 1976
Memorandum from the Minister of Communications N.V. Talyzin to the CPSU Central Committee
Minister of Communications
Copy _____
CPSU Central Committee
30.XI.76 002907
It is possible to accomplish radio broadcasts from the People's Republic of Mongolia to the territory of Iran only with short wave.
At the present time there are two short wave transmitters People's Republic of Mongolia with a strength of 50 kilowatts, that are used for domestic and foreign broadcasts. The People's Republic of Mongolia does not broadcast to Iran.
The power of the indicated transmitters is insufficient for reliable reception of radio transmissions on the territory of Iran.
Radio studios are run by the Mongolian Radio Committee and their number is limited. The dedication of a special studio for the creation of programs is unlikely.
It is impossible to ensure regular and operative reception of necessary information for the creation of programs through radio reception from Iranian short wave radio stations immediately to Mongolia because will be very barely audible, even with the application of professional radio receptors and special antennas.
The radio path from Mongolia to Iran mostly passes through the territory of the USSR and radio transmitters from the People's Republic of Mongolia, and requires the presence of a short wave transmitter with a power of no less than 250 kilowatts.
In accordance with Resolution No. 500-173 the reconstruction is being considered of an active radio center in Ulan-Bator with an installation of new transmitters with a power of 250 kilowatts and 100 kilowatts and the strengthening of two active transmitters to 250 kilowatts is intended. The completion of the reconstruction of this radio center is expected in 1980.
From a technical point of view the organization of broadcasting to Iran from the territory of the People's Republic of Mongolia is difficult. However, if such a decision is made, the construction of a special radio station in Mongolia does not seem expedient, and during the reconstruction of the existing radio center it is necessary to consider an additional complex of short wave antennas directed toward Iran.
N.V. Talyzin
Memorandum from Minister of Communications N. Talyzin outlining the requirements for transmitting radio broadcasts from Mongolia into Iran.
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