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June 4, 1958

Note by Foreign Secretary Subimal Dutt on International Atomic Energy Agency

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

Ministry of External Affairs


Dr. Bhabha has been speaking to me about the International Atomic Energy Agency. In his view this Agency has not been doing any useful work. Its Director-General, Mr. Cole, has proved even worse than expected. This Agency has a special position in that it does not report to the Economic and Social Council but to the UN direct. Some people think and with this Dr. Bhabha agrees that the Agency should be integrated with the UN. What they have in mind is that the Agency should be regarded as a branch [subordinate crossed out] office of the UN situated in Vienna like the European office of the UN at Geneva. The staff of the Agency would form part of the UN Secretariat. Dr. Bhabha enquired whether such a change in the position of the Agency is feasible.

I am not aware of any precedent in which thepecial [sic] Agency has ceased to function or become merged in the UN Secretariat. However, the relevant rules may be looked up.


(S. Dutt), 04-06-1958

Addressed to DS(UN)


Dutt summarizes Homi Bhabha's opinions of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

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Subimal Dutt, Sub Folder 32, pg. 231


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)