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August 1, 1958

Note Relating to the Designation of an Objective

The 1st of August 1958




Relating to the designation of an objective


SCHULZ LESUM, a German subject and resident of TETOUAN for several years, is the chief of an organisation facilitating the desertion of French legionnaires.


The Chief of Defense Staff has proposed to S.D.E.C.E. that this individual, whose action is harmful to French interests in Algeria, be neutralized.


Following a reconnaissance mission, a commercial contact has been established with SCHULZ LESUM. This contact, maintained by correspondence, should allow us to attract the objective in a favourable location in Morocco and to treat him discreetly by using an undetectable toxic with delayed effects.


It is asked to designate this individual as an objective.




Manuscript note:


Received on 3 August 1958

Have given agreement in principle

Agreement from Admiral Cabanier

on 4 August, Transferred

promptly to Col Roussillat

Signed JF [Jacques Foccart]


Authorization request to eliminate an organizer of a French legion deserters organization, Schulz Lesum, in Tetouan, Morocco.

Document Information


Archives du secrétariat général des Affaires africaines et malgaches et de la Communauté (1958-1974) [AG/5(F)] Box : 318


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