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January 28, 1945

Notes of V. Kolarov from a Meeting with Stalin

Notes of V. Kolarov from a Meeting[1] with J. Stalin


Stalin's opinion on certain questions

January 28, 1945


1. Bulgaria and Turkey

The idea of including Turkey in any Balkan federation (supported by Great Britain) is absurd. The Balkan people, who have been under Turkish yoke, will never agree Turkey to increase its presence on the Balkans in one or another way. If Turkey (at someone else's suggestion) tries to invade with force, it will be rejected by force. That is why Bulgaria needs to have a strong and well-equipped army. Bulgaria then shall present its concerns. There is no place for Turkey on the Balkans.

2. The Union between Bulgaria and Yugoslavia (custom, political, cultural and military) will be turned into a federation of the South Slavs when the conditions (internal and external) allow it. However, the problem for the form of the Federation remains unsolved - whether to be a dual federal state between Yugoslavia and Bulgaria (the understanding of Bulgaria) or a federal state including six South Slav districts - Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia and Slovenia (the understanding of the Yugoslavs). One should not take advantage of the difficult for Bulgaria situation and swallow it. In the future Bulgaria will play an important role on the Balkans. Nobody should play tricks on Bulgaria and open frankness is needed from both sides.

3 . Bulgaria and Greece

Bulgaria has rights and interests over the Aegean see (Dedeagach, etc.) but force will be needed for the support of these rights. It is absolutely necessary that Bulgaria has a strong army. Reactionary Greece, the enemy of Bulgaria and the Yugoslav-Bulgarian Union, will lose Thessaloniki. The Bulgarian-Yugoslav Union should be built on its armed forces in order to be able to prevent itself from future aggression.

4. The international situation and the Socialism

   4. 1. THE CAPITALIST WORLD is divided into two hostile blocks - democratic and fascist. The Soviet Union takes advantage of this in order to fight against the most dangerous [country] for the Slavs - Germany. But even after the defeat of Germany the danger of war/invasion will continue to exist. Germany is a great state with large industry, strong organization, employees, and traditions; it shall never accept its defeat and will continue to be dangerous for the Slavonic world, because it sees it as an enemy. The imperialist danger could come from another side.

   4.2. THE CRISIS OF CAPITALISM today is caused mainly by the decay and the mutual weakening of the two enemy camps. This is favorable for the victory of socialism in Europe. But we have to forget the idea that the victory of socialism could be realized only through a Soviet rule. It could be presented by some other political systems - for example by a democracy, a parliamentary republic and even by a constitutional monarchy. Do you think that if a monarchy like Britain carries out nationalization of the mining industry, the railways, the land and etc., this should be considered a step towards socialism?


   4.3. BULGARIA SHALL DEVELOP STRONG INDUSTRY. Bulgaria, itself, should produce the locomotives, wagons, electrical motors, tractors, agricultural and the other types of machinery it needs. It should study its regions and the natural resources (it's quite definite that petroleum could be found) so that you could start the development of the coal and mining industry through the establishment of joint Russian-Bulgarian companies. The assistance of Soviet Russia is GUARANTEED.


1. The participants at the meeting are: from the Yugoslav delegation – Moshe Piade, Andrea Hebrang and Yugoslav ambassador Stanoe Simich and the Bulgarian delegation – Prime Minister Kirnon Georgiev, Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Yugov, Bulgarian representative in Moscow Dimitar Mihalchev and the communist leaders Dimitrov, Kolarov and Kostov. Vyacheslav Molotov, Georgi Malenkov, Lavrenti Beria are also present.



[1] The participants at the meeting are: from the Yugoslav delegation – Moshe Piade, Andrea Hebrang and Yugoslav ambassador Stanoe Simich and the Bulgarian delegation – Prime Minister Kirnon Georgiev, Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Yugov, Bulgarian representative in Moscow Dimitar Mihalchev and the communist leaders Dimitrov, Kolarov and Kostov. Vyacheslav Molotov, Georgi Malenkov, Lavrenti Beria are also present.

Stalin opposes Turkey's inclusion in any Balkan federation, suggests that Bulgaria and Yugoslavia's confederation should be postponed and that Bulgaria should assert its rights to the Aegean. He says that the Soviet Union has only allied with capitalist nations to defeat the most dangerous of them, Germany; says that capitalism has decayed and the conditions for socialism are good. Promises Russia's assistance in developing Bulgaria's industry.

Document Information


Source: CDA, f. 1 47 B, op. 2, ae. 1025, l. 1-6. Contributed by Jordan Baev and translated by Nedialka Douptcheva.


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Meeting Notes


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