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April 26, 1981

Report on the "Hopeless" Situation in Poland

WARSAW, 26 April 1981

Dear Daniel![1]

After returning from Sofia with several officers from the General Staff,[2] we discussed the current situation in Poland, a situation that, from the military point of view, is hopeless. In this extremely gloomy atmosphere, one of the most committed officers openly said that Poland had to undertake far-reaching political reforms. Gen. XXX[3] bitterly accused "the Americans [of having] sold us out to Russia. Without the Americans' silent assent, the 'comrades' would not dare to act this way." We are now very desperate, but we have not lost hope that Gen. XXX is wrong! Appropriate use must be made of the flood of information he is sending to you.

We Poles realize that we must fight for our own freedom, if necessary making the ultimate sacrifice. I remained convinced that the support your country has been giving to all who are fighting for that freedom will bring us closer to our goal.

Thank you for your most recent, pleasant letter.

With heartfelt greetings. Yours, PV

[1] Daniel was the codename of Kuklinski's main contact at the CIA.
[2] A long-planned session of the Warsaw Pact's Military Council was held in Bulgaria on 21-23 April 1981.
[3] Kuklinski himself redacted the surname of this Polish general. It may have referred to Gen. Leon Dubicki, who was an adviser to Jaruzelski at the time.

Letter from Kuklinski to his CIA contact indicating that the situation in Poland is militarily hopeless.


Document Information


CIA Release, Ryszard Kuklinski documents. Published in CWIHP Bulletin 11.


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