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June 20, 1954

Telegram, CCP Central Committee to Zhou Enlai

(CCP) Guangxi Provincial Committee for conveying to Comrade Zhou Enali:


Under the circumstances that the Geneva Conference has made progress and that an armistice agreement is possible to be reached in July, the operation activities of the Vietnamese People's Army should neither be expanded nor reduced, and it is proper for the activities to be maintained at their current level. A few days ago, Comrade Wei Guoqing telegraphed us to report that the Vietnamese command had made new deployments and was preparing to expand to a certain extent the size of military operations. We believe that [the opinion in] Wei's telegram should be adopted and some additional troops can be deployed in the Red River delta area to threaten the French. However, no big operation should be carried out in July. When big operation should be carried out should be determined in accordance with the development of the Geneva Conference. Please discuss with Comrades Ho (Chi Minh), Vo (Nguyen Giap) and Wei (Guoqing) to see whether or not the above opinions are proper.


CCP Central Committee
June 20

Telegram from the CCP Central Committee to Zhou Enlai saying that given the progress made at the Geneva Conference has made armistice and progress possible. Therefore no big operations should be carried out by the Vietnamese People's Army.

Document Information


ZX vol. 4, p. 509. Translated for CWIHP by Chen Jian.


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