October 24, 1973
Telegram from J.S. Teja, Joint Secretary (AMS), 'Chilean Ambassador’s Meeting with Foreign Secretary'
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
Date: 24October 1973
FROM: J.S. Teja, Joint Secretary (AMS)
TO: Shri G.J. Malik, Ambassador of India, Santiago
Chilean Ambassador’s Meeting with Foreign Secretary on October 19, 1973 at 5 pm – Record of Discussions
The Chilean Ambassador wished to know Government of India’s views on relations with Chile. F.S. told him that we have warm feelings for the Chilean people. After the recent events, the situation in Chile has been very much in our mind. The Ambassador conveyed to the Foreign Secretary the desire of the Chilean Government to continue the traditional friendly relations with India. He mentioned that after the change in regime, the new government had sent a note to all the Embassies in Santiago on September 14, 1973 about recognition of the new Government which so far has been acknowledged by about 50 countries. However, there has been no response from India and he wondered whether he could get an idea of Government of India’s attitude on this question. Foreign Secretary told the Ambassador that the important thing was that we have maintained our Mission in Santiago as we very much value our relationship with the Chilean people. He assured the Ambassador that he would place this matter before the Foreign Minister. The Ambassador observed that he realized that the Government of India would have liked to watch the situation and that was why he had not raised this matter with the Foreign Office earlier. He added in a lighter vein that he wondered how long Ambassador Malik and he will continue to be “half Ambassadors!” Foreign Secretary said that he was very much a full Ambassador and he has been a friend of our country. (Discussion continued on the calm in the internal situation in Chile, all lies of course!)
India plans to continue relations with Chile, but has not yet recognized the new government.
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