October 22, 1962
Telegram from TROSTNIK (Soviet Defense Minister Rodion Malinovsky) to PAVLOV (General Isa Pliev)
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
TROSTNIK[1]…to Comrade PAVLOV[2]
In connection with the possible landing of Americans participating in the maneuvers in the Caribbean Sea on Cuba, undertake urgent measures to increase combat readiness, and to repel the enemy by joint efforts of the Cuban army and all units of the Soviet troops, excluding the weapons of Statsenko’s and of all Beloborodov’s cargo.
# 4/389
22 October 1962
[1] Trostnik, which means "reed" in Russian, was a code name for Soviet Defense Minister Marshal Rodion Y. Malinovsky.
[2] "Pavlov" was used as a code name for General Isa A. Pliev, commander of Soviet forces in Cuba.
Malinovsky warns Pliev of possible a American landing in Cuba and directs him to make preparations, a joint effort between Cuban and Soviet troops.
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