July 15, 1954
Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, and the CCP Central Committee, Regarding meeting with Tep Phan (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Head of the Cambodian delegation)
Chairman [Mao], Comrade [Liu] Shaoqi, and report to the Central Committee:
I paid a return visit to Cambodian Foreign Minister Tep Phan on the afternoon of the 14th. Besides reiterating our wish for Cambodia and Laos to become Southeast Asian-type states, I also apprised him of Chairman Ho's approval of the five mutual non-aggression principles as laid out in the Sino-Indian communiqué. I told him that based on these principles Chairman Ho was willing to establish friendly relations with the unified Cambodia and Laos. Tep Phan said that the Sino-Indian and the Sino-Burmese statements were in accordance with the wishes of the Cambodians. Tep Phan also mentioned that the military talks had had no progress, and that the constitution would not allow what Pham Van Dong had demanded, namely appointing members of the resistance movement to the position of county chiefs and recognizing the youth and women's organizations. Regarding our suggestion of 16June that no introduction of new foreign troops or armaments be allowed after the cessation of hostilities, Tep Phan misunderstood it as a permanent constraint on Cambodia's armed forces, and therefore said that this stipulation would constitute a violation of the sovereign rights of Cambodia. I told him that this stipulation would only apply to the period of armistice and thus would not bepermanent. After this explanation Tep Phan cleared his misunderstanding and expressed his gratitude. He said that this talk was very beneficial.
Zhou Enlai
July 15, 1954
In this telegram Zhou Enlai informs Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, and the CCP Central Committee, about his meeting with the Cambodian Foreign Minister Tep Phan.
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