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June 15, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong, Regarding the Thirteenth Restricted Session

Chairman [Mao], Comrade [Liu] Shaoqi, and report to the Central Committee:


On the morning of the 14th, Eden raised to Molotov the question of convening a secret meeting on the Indochina issue. Molotov agreed. On the afternoon [of the 14th]at the thirteenth restricted session, Molotov put forward a twelve-point proposal concerning the joint committee, the supervision committee by countries of neutrality, and the question of international guaranty. Because we have made concessions on the question of reaching agreement by consensus, there were changes for the seventh and eighth among original twelve points. I report once again the seventh and eighth points here. (See attachment no. 1.),and the other points remain the same. Smith made a bad response to Molotov's proposal in his presentation, claiming that there was nothing new in Molotov's proposal, and attempting to negate the proposal completely. He also requested that the next session be devoted specifically to the discussion of the Laos and Cambodia questions. Because Bidault had return to Paris, so the presentation was made by French ambassador to Switzerland Chauvel.  His attitude is quite subtle, saying that Molotov's proposal should be clarified, and he also supported to having the five Colombo countries as members of the supervision committee. Eden in his presentation intentionally demonstrated a passive attitude, saying that Molotov's proposal only resolved the technical aspect of the question, and was far from resolving the fundamental differences. Eden proposed that the conference be adjourned, waiting for [it to be] resumed after the result of the negotiation by military representatives. However, he only asked people to consider his idea, and did not present it as a formal proposal. Eden also echoed Smith to favor discussing the Cambodia and Laos questions at the next meeting. Molotov proposed again in his presentation that the committee of supervision by countries of neutrality be chaired by India, and exposed that the other side insisted upon having the joint committee work under the command of the international committee of supervision for the purpose of letting the military take control. Molotov agreed that the next session would discuss the Cambodia and Laos questions. I supported Molotov’s proposal (the whole text is dispatched, see attachments no. 2.) After the session, the French delegation told us privately that they were interested in Molotov's proposal, and especially in having India as chair [of the committee]. They were also willing to put the question of supervision for discussion by the technical affairs committee composed of nine countries, and would report this to the plenary session, so that the conference will continue. We have agreed to this.


Zhou Enlai
June 15, 1954

Zhou Enlai writes to Chairman Mao, Comrade Shaoqi, and the CCP Central Committee about the thirteenth restricted session of the Geneva Conference. During this session Molotov put forward a twelve-point proposal concerning the joint committee, the supervision committee by countries of neutrality, and the question of international guaranty.


Document Information


PRC FMA 206-Y0050. Translated by Chen Jian.


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