Mao requests assistance with shipments of fuel, troops, and aircraft to Urumchi.
October 14, 1949
Ciphered Telegram No. 4159 from Filipov [Stalin] to Kovalev
[handwritten: to Cde. Stalin]
CABLE Nº 4159
Received at 0105 14 October
Visit Cde. MAO ZEDONG and pass him the following reply to his telegram about sending one division to URUMCHI by aircraft.
We consider your decision about sending one division from LANZHOU to URUMCHI by air transport to be correct.
Regarding your request about shipping 1,000 tons of aviation fuel to URUMCHI and 200 tons of it to HAMI we report that we can give this fuel to URUMCHI and HAMI via vehicle transport with arrival on site 1-3 November. We need to know your opinion about the possibility of unobstructed passage of our vehicle column with fuel along the route from KULJA to HAMI via URUMCHI.
We can give the people to augment the service at the airfields in URUMCHI and HAMI and also the five reserve transport aircraft at the disposition of Cde. PENG DEHUAI of which you spoke in your telegram by the deadline you indicate”.
Nº 499/sh
Paragraph: Confirm delivery of the cable to the addressee
Four copies typed Leshevich Nº 6696
1 – to Cde. Stalin
2 – to Cde. Stalin
3 – to Cde. Molotov
4 – to Cde. Malenkov
Verified by: Shift Chief Sadov[in] 0355
Subject to return to the
VKP(b) CC Special Section 16[71]
Incoming Nº 3462/shs 14 October 1949]
Stalin agrees to send one division from Lanzhou to Urumchi and to ship aviation fuel to Urumchi and Hami.
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Related Documents
October 12, 1949 | Ciphered Telegram No. 58986 from Kovalev to Filippov [Stalin] |
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