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October 19, 1976

Hedin, 'Democratic People's Republic of Korea: Personnel Introduced to UD as of 76-10-19'

This document was made possible with support from Kyungnam University

[illegible handwriting] 1976-10-19

[illegible signature]


C 53 xko/[illegible]


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Personnel introduced to UD [Ministry for Foreign Affairs] as of 76-10-19


KIL Jae Gyong [Gil Jae-gyeong], Ambassador, with spouse U Ok Sun

KIM Yong Sik, 1st Secretary, with spouse Li Bo Bi

LI Sang Jun, 2nd Secretary

KIM Duk Chon, 3rd Secretary, with spouse Paek Chun Yong

LI Dong Chol, 3rd Secretary [handwritten: Li Gwan-shul]

KIM Hung Rim, attaché, with spouse Paek Ryon Suk


KIM Yong Tae, clerk, with spouse IM Yun Hwa


(KIM Dae Song, temporary official, not publicly reported, arrived in June 1975.)





[illegible signature]



Cabinet Secretary

Assistant Cabinet Secretary

Pol[itcal Department] Chief

Legal [Department] Chief

Chief of Pol I


List of known North Korean diplomats in Stockholm.


Document Information


Obtained by Charles Kraus from the Utrikesdepartementet (Ministry for Foreign Affairs), Sweden, according to the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act, UD2017/10792/RS.


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Kyungnam University and Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)