March 1968
Telegram, 'To the Soviet Representative'
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
Attachment 2
Secret Copy Nº 1
Instructions to Soviet ambassadors for conversations on the question of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons are being sent to you in a separate telegram. You ought to execute these instructions in conversation with the UN representatives of the following countries: Barbados, Bolivia, Botswana, Venezuela, Gabon, Haiti, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Ireland, Colombia, Costa Rica, Congo (Kinshasa), Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Malaysia, the Malagasy Republic, the [Republic of the] Maldives Islands, Malta, Niger, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, the Philippines, Ecuador, South Yemen, and Jamaica.
Inasmuch as Goldberg, the US Representative at the UN (in a conversation with Cde. Dobrynin), raised the question of the coordination of events between the USSR and the US to explain the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, you can inform him in general terms of the work which we are pursuing through diplomatic channels and in New York.
Telegraph when this is done.
Sent to the Soviet representative to the General Assembly of the United Nations, this document lists the nations to which the representative must pay the most attention at the UN meeting. The document also underlines how the Soviet representative should speak with members of the American delegation in reference to any diplomatic collaboration on the NPT.
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