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July 31, 1985

Cable No. 5785, Ambassador Matsunaga to the Foreign Minister, 'Minister’s Visit to the Middle East (Informing the US Side)'

Number: R104753


Primary: First Middle East Division


Sent: United States, July 31, 1985, 20:24

Received: MOFA, August 01, 1985, 09:25


To: Foreign Minister      

From: Ambassador Matsunaga


Minister’s Visit to the Middle East (Informing the US Side)


No. 5785 Secret Urgent (Priority Processing) Q55ID


Re: Your Telegram, Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau Director-General’s Telegram No. 3882


On the 31st, a member of the Embassy staff handed the Minister’s letter with my attached cover note to the State Department’s Japan Country Director Hubbard and requested its immediate delivery to Secretary Shultz.

A telegram from Japanese Ambassador Matsunaga to the Foreign Minister confirming the delivery of a letter to the Secretary Shultz regarding the Minister’s visit to the Middle East.

Document Information


Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, File No. 2017-0631. Translated by Stephen Mercado.


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