September 17, 1985
Cable No. 771, Ambassador Kato to the Foreign Minister, 'Ambassador Nakayama's Visit to Syria'
Number: R126211
Primary: Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau Director-General
Sent: Syria, September 17, 1985, 21:00
Received: MOFA, September 18, 1985, 03:12
To: Foreign Minister
From: Ambassador Kato
Ambassador Nakayama’s Visit to Syria
No. 771 Secret Top Urgent
(Limited Distribution)
Re: Outgoing Telegram No. 769
The Office of the President informed us that the President very much wished to meet us and requested that we therefore stand by, so we did so. In the afternoon of the 17th, we heard that President Assad had become aware of Foreign Minister Shara’s meeting with the Ambassador and was satisfied with it. We were informed that the Ambassador’s visit was welcomed but that, due to the Syrian-Jordanian Summit in Saudi Arabia and the change in the situation in Lebanon since his arrival, the President would regrettably be unable to meet the Ambassador during his stay.
Also, Ambassador Nakayama will leave for Tunis on the 18th, as scheduled, and join the Middle East Institute of Japan mission there. (End)
In this telegram, Ambassador to Syria Kato informs the Foreign Minister of Japan that President Assad of Syria will not be able to meet with Ambassador Nakayama.
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