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July 18, 1970

Undated, unsigned handwritten note, possibly by Minister without portfolio Israeli Galili discussing the publication of a story on Israel’s nuclear program in the New York Time

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

[topleft vignette] N.Y times, item regarding nuclear issue

[Top right] 18 July 1970

[headline of stationary] State of Israel, Prime Minister office

[Handwritten text]

“There are a few possibilities:

 1. The same circle that does not know about the agreement we have with the President.

2. The circle which knows and opposes the President’s position in this matter.

3. An attempt to reduce the tension that was created by the President and Kissinger’s statements opposing the Russian involvement and a call to attain a political solution (albeit by coercion) before Israel threw the entire region into an atomic war (namely Rogers and his friends).

[Bottom right hand side vignette]

“by the way, Warnke, who is the owner [sic; i.e source] of the conversation, no longer serves in the administration”

Presumably written by by Minister Israel Galili some time in 1970, this note discusses the publication of a story on Israel’s nuclear program in the New York Times. According to the note, the story mentions “the agreement we have with the President,” alluding to the 1969 Richard Nixon-Golda Meir deal on Israel’s nuclear status. The note further attempts to analyze which source within the Nixon administration had approached the paper and leaked assessments on Israel’s nuclear capabilities, underscoring the secrecy and the sensitivity surrounding the 1969 understanding.

Editor's note: Because of the unique provenance of this document, it should be treated as unauthenticated and interpreted skeptically. Readers are strongly encouraged to read the associated essay by Or Rabinowitz.


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Editor's note: Because of the unique provenance of this document, it should be treated as unauthenticated and interpreted skeptically. Readers are strongly encouraged to read the associated essay by Or Rabinowitz.

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Undated, unsigned handwritten note, possibly by Minister without Portfolio Galili

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Editor's note: Because of the unique provenance of this document, it should be treated as unauthenticated and interpreted skeptically. Readers are strongly encouraged to read the associated essay by Or Rabinowitz.


Undated, unsigned handwritten note, presumably from Minister Yigal Allon to Minister without Portfolio Israel Galili

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Editor's note: Because of the unique provenance of this document, it should be treated as unauthenticated and interpreted skeptically. Readers are strongly encouraged to read the associated essay by Ori Rabinowitz.

Document Information


File 11, page 3 of 4, Adam Raz collection. Contributed and translated by Or Rabinowitz.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)