Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
March 15, 1980
Conversations between V. Cazacu from the RCP CC Political Executive Committee and V. I. Drozdenko, USSR Ambassador in the SSR. Discussions include Soviet-Romanian economic cooperation, the conflict over Romania’s non-class approach to historical studies, and the "Bessarabian question." The Soviet leadership asked for a cessation of publication of materials in which Romania claims its historic rights over Moldavia.
April 1, 1976
The Embassy of Romania in Belgrade assesses the "tense" situation in Korea.
April 14, 1980
Cover letter forwarding a transcript of a conversation between V. I. Drozdenko, Ambassador of the USSR in the Socialist Republic of Romania, and V. Cazacu, Political Executive Committee member and RCP CC Secretary, which took place on 12 March 1980.