Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Southeast Asia
East Asia
North America
November 30, 1956
Young Kee Kim briefs President Rhee on the cable message to President Eisenhower from Korea, China, Vietnam, etc, about taking concrete action on the Hungarian Revolution, which the Philippines declines to sign.
October 23, 1956
Young Kee Kim outlines Korea's historical relationship with the United Nations and stresses Korea's right to attain membership of UN.
February 18, 1957
Young Kee Kim briefs President Rhee on President Magsaysay's press secretary's visit to Malaya and recommends inviting the Filipino newsmen to Korea.
March 9, 1957
Young Kee Kim briefs President Rhee on the Filipino delegates to the SEATO conference, Vice President Garcia and Dr. Hernandez.
August 20, 1956
Young Kee Kim briefs Minister Cho on the conflict between Filipino manufacturers and Japanese traders and the reception held at the Filipino Navy Officers Club to celebrate the third inauguration of President Rhee.