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Rossi, Aldo

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Popular Documents

October 17, 1961

Report by Chief of Defense Staff Aldo Rossi, 'The military situation of the armed forces of the Soviet bloc and of its alleged allies and those of NATO countries and their allies'

A report on the discussions which occurred at a meeting of the Atlantic Council, during which the relative military powers of the Soviet Block and Western Block were compared. The different positions and threats posed to various NATO nations were also discussed. Finally, the report laid out plans for nuclear, submarine, and aerial weapons development to ensure that the Soviet Block’s military power never exceeds that of the Western block.

August 3, 1965

Memo on Work of the Committee of the 18 on Nuclear Proliferation

Memo by CSMD A. Rossi on the resumption of the work of the Committee of the 18 in Geneva and the issue of non-dissemination nuclear weapons: summary of technical-military observations from SMD to MD of March 1964 on US proposal for declaration on non-dissemination, analysis on nuclear power guidelines and Non-nuclear countries; draft British and Canadian agreements presented to the Atlantic Council and reactions to alliance countries, statement Foreign Minister A. Fanfani to Geneva; US project of nuclear non-dissemination treaty, MAE instructions to amb. Cavalletti

December 1, 1965

Note from CSMD a MD for High Defense Committee Meeting

Note by CSMD Aldo Rossi for High Defense Committee Meeting on MLF and ANF projects.

January 1, 1963

Note by SMD on Inter-Allied Force

Note by Gen. Aldo Rossi on aims, composition and structure of the Nuclear Interallied Force and potential advantages for Italy.

June 13, 1963

Annex to analysis by SMD on Proposal to assign to NATO Italian Polaris-armed Ships

Report by Gen. A. Rossi on Polaris SLBM and NATO naval forces, including technological and employment features, costs. The report includes discussions of IRBM forces in Italy, and French and British nuclear forces.