Image courtesy of Youmna Asseily, daughter of Emir Farid Chehab.

Emir Farid Chehab Collection
Emir Farid Hares Chehab held many of the most politically sensitive positions in Lebanon in the period from the country’s independence from French rule in 1943 to the early 1970s. From his high-level posts, at the secret police, the Sûreté Générale, and in the Diplomatic Corps, he took it upon himself to painstakingly record his observations and impressions from a unique ‘insider’ position. This collection presents nearly 2,000 letters, documents, and reports from Chehab's personal archives (now held by the Middle East Centre Archive, St Antony’s College, Oxford), sources that provide unparalleled insights into Lebanese history and developments across the Middle East in the 20th century.
This collection has been made possible thanks to the generous financial support of Youmna and Tony Asseily, and the collaboration of Emir Hares Chehab, Ahmad Asfahani, Mary Walwyn, the Centre for Lebanese Studies, and St Antony’s College, Oxford