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June 18, 1953

Report from A. Grechko and Tarasov to N.A. Bulganin, 11:00 a.m.



Top Secret (declassified)

Copy #6

To the Comrade BULGANIN, N.A.

We are reporting the situation on the territory of the German Democratic Republic and in the city of Berlin by 11.00 a.m., on the 18th of June 1953, Moscow time.

1. There has been no significant change in the situation on the territory of the German Democratic Republic and in the city of Berlin [for last three hours] by 11.00 a.m. on the 18th of June. It is peaceful in Berlin. The majority of the plants are operating.

In accordance with the information of the [German] local authorities and the [Soviet] commandant's headquarters, the people are supposed to gather for demonstrations in the following cities and towns: Eberswalde, Grossdeln, Kremen, Werbellinsee, Furstenwalde, Bogensee, Klosterfelde, Grossnoiendorff, Gorlitz, Gernedorf. Measures to prevent the gatherings have been undertaken.

Gatherings of minor groups of demonstrators took place in the following towns: Gorlitz, Reihenbach, Bemsdorf. They were dispersed.

At the plant named after Telman in Magdeburg, the demand has been put forward, "Take away the tanks, cancel the martial law, and release the detainees!"

The workers of the shipping yard in Stralsund are not at work. They have demanded to cancel the martial law.

3. The units of the Group [of the Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany] have gone on performing their duties along the sectoral borders in Berlin and patrolling in the cities and towns of the German Democratic Republic.

There is no change in the disposition of the units of the Group.

3. In accordance with the correlated data during all the events by 11.00 a.m. on the 18th of June, there have been 21 people killed, including 8 representatives of the [East German] authorities and the [Socialist United] Party [of Germany] killed by the mutineers, as well as 13 mutineers killed. There have been no people killed in Berlin.

There have been 194 people wounded, including 168 representatives of the authorities and the Party and 26 mutineers. There have been 76 wounded representatives of the authorities and the Party and 20 mutineers in Berlin.

There have been 3,361 mutineers detained, including 2,414 people in Berlin



"Correct". General of the Army SHTEMENKO

12.30 p.m., the 18th of June 1953


Grechko and Tarasov report that Berlin is now peaceful and measures are being taken to stop demonstrations in other East German cities.

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AGSh, f. 16, op. 3139, d. 155, ll. 15-16. Provided and translated by Viktor Gobarev.


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