October 23, 1962
Telegram from Soviet delegate to the UN Zorin to USSR Foreign Ministry
As chairman of the Security Council, I have been sent a letter by the Cuban delegate to the UN, [Mario Garcia-] Inchaustegui, in agreement with his government, demanding an urgent convocation of the Council to discuss the USA's aggressive actions and its blockade of Cuba as acts of war.
According to Inchaustegui, the Cuban minister of foreign affairs, [Raul] Roa, may arrive in New York to take part in the Council's examination of this issue. In connection with this we are taking steps to make the convocation of the Council contingent on Roa's arrival. Nevertheless it can be expected that the Council meeting will have to be convened (given the demands of the Western majority of the Council's members) on 23 October of this year at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
During the examination of the issue in the Council, we will declare our objections to the misleading American formulation of it. Bearing in mind the Cubans' demand for entering on the agenda the issue of USA aggressions that they introduced, it can be expected that the affair will come down to entering American as well as Cuban statements on the Council's agenda.
In examining the affair in its essence, guided by the Soviet government's most recent announcements on the Cuban question, we will point out that the USA's aggressions against Cuba cannot be evaluated as anything other than a provocation pushing the world to the verge of nuclear war. We will demand a condemnation of the USA aggressions, the immediate cessation of the blockade they have declared and all infractions of maritime freedom; and an immediate end to all forms of intervention in the domestic affairs of the Republic of Cuba.
We will also propose that the USA government immediately enter into direct negotiations with the Cuban government on the settling of its conflicts with Cuba though peaceful means, as suggested by Dorticos in his speech in the UN General Assembly. In coordination with the Cuban delegation, we will introduce a draft resolution that includes the above-mentioned points.
We will of course vote against the American draft resolution.
We will take action as indicated above, unless we receive other instructions before the meeting of the Council begins.
It is not impossible that, when both draft resolutions are vetoed, the USA will then propose that the Council vote on transferring the issue to the General Assembly.
23.X.62 V. Zorin
[Source: Archive of Foreign Policy, Russian Federation (AVP RF), Moscow; copy obtained by NHK (Japanese Television), provided to CWIHP, and on file at National Security Archive, Washington, D.C.; translation by John Henriksen, Harvard University.]
Zorin relays the decision to veto the US draft resolution to the UN. Zorin argues that US aggressions against Cuba can merely be regarded as a provocation pushing the world to the verge of nuclear war. He says the Soviet government would introduce a draft resolution that includes a condemnation of the US aggressions, the immediate cessation of the US blockade and infractions of maritime freedom, and an immediate end to intervention in the domestic affairs of Cuba. It would also propose US government to negotiate with Cuba directly.
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