January 11, 1972
Telegram from Romanian Ambassador in Moscow to George Macovescu
Reply of Romanian Ambassador to Moscow to George Macovescu, 11 January 1972.
First Deputy Minister
Further to your telegram No. 01/00279, I requested an audience and I have been received today, January 11, at 14.30 hrs, by N.P.Firiubin, deputy of the Foreign Affairs Minister of the USSR. As regards the issue of the preparatory activity for the Prague Conference of the Consultative Political Committee of the countries participating in the Warsaw Treaty, he declared the following:
1. The first group of materials – the theses of the Supreme Commander's report and the corresponding draft decision – has already been or is to be conveyed to Bucharest this afternoon by Colonel General Romanov, who this morning left for Bucharest for the purpose.
2. The second group of materials – the draft communiqué and the draft declaration of the conference – will be ready this evening and will be sent to Bucharest tomorrow, through the agency of a specially authorized person.
Firiubin also said that, for the time being, it has not been decided yet who this person will be – possibly an ambassador or other person to whom this task will be assigned – but promised that this very evening he will be in a position to let us know exactly the name, function, and transport means with which the person assigned the task will travel to Bucharest.
3. Firiubin specified that the specially authorized persons have instruc-tions to remain [in Bucharest] as long as it is necessary to receive any possible observations about the draft documents. For any issue [emerging], they can contact Moscow operationallly. According to him, such an operational consultation will make it possible that, before the Conference of the Consultative Political Committee takes place, an agreement on the documents be reached. It is useful, without any doubt, he said, that the documents be agreed upon before the Conference of the Consultative Political Committee takes place, in fact just like it was done in the past.
Firiubin avoided saying something definite about the preliminary meeting. The meaning of what he said was that it would be possible to discuss this [reunion] depending upon the results of the consultations subsequently held by the specially authorized persons on the conveyed draft documents.
T. Marinescu
The ambassador informs Macovescu that he has seen the Deputy Foreign Minister and has answered the questions asked in the previous telegram.
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