June 26, 1974
Decree of the CPSU CC - Information for the Leaders of the Progressive Afghan Political Organizations 'Parcham' and 'Khalq' Concerning the Results of the Visit of Mohammed Daud to the USSR
Nº ST-129/11S of 26.6.1974 SPECIAL FOLDER
Information for the Leaders of the Progressive Afghan Political Organizations “Parcham” and “Khalq” Concerning the Results of the Visit of Mohammed Daud to the USSR
[Handwritten before the text: “(Cdes. Suslov, Kirilenko, and Ponomarev)”]
1. Approve the text of a telegram containing information for the leaders of the Afghan progressive political organizations “Parcham” (K. Babrak) and “Khalq” (H. Taraki) concerning the results of the visit of M. Daud to the USSR and send it through KGB channels to Kabul to give to the addressees (attached).
2. Brief the text to the Soviet ambassador in Kabul.
[two illegible signatures]
Results of the voting:
Adopted at the CC Secretariat meeting of 26.6.1974, pr. 129, p. 11s
CC Secretaries Cde. M. A. Suslov - for
Cde. V. I. Dolgikh - for
Cde. I. V. Kapitonov - for
Cde. K. F. Katushev - for
Cde. A. P. Kirilenko - for
Cde. F. D. Kulakov - for
Cde. B. N. Ponomarev - for
Cde. D. F. Ustinov - for
Cde. A. Ya. Pel'she - for
[handwritten: A. [illegible]
[faded CC stamp]
149 Excerpts to Cdes. Andropov and Ponomarev
15.5.78 [SIC] to Cde. B. N. Ponomarev (instructions to Cde. K. [M.] Bogolyubov)
Distributed: 27.6.1974 Khalturina
Nº ST-129/11S of 26.6.1974 SPECIAL FOLDER
Information for the Leaders of the Progressive Afghan Political Organizations “Parcham” and “Khalq” Concerning the Results of the Visit of Mohammed Daud to the USSR
[Handwritten before the text: “(Cdes. Suslov, Kirilenko, and Ponomarev)”]
1. Approve the text of a telegram containing information for the leaders of the Afghan progressive political organizations “Parcham” (K. Babrak) and “Khalq” (H. Taraki) concerning the results of the visit of M. Daud to the USSR and send it through KGB channels to Kabul to give to the addressees (attached).
2. Brief the text to the Soviet ambassador in Kabul.
[two illegible signatures]
Results of the voting:
Adopted at the CC Secretariat meeting of 26.6.1974, pr. 129, p. 11s
CC Secretaries Cde. M. A. Suslov - for
Cde. V. I. Dolgikh - for
Cde. I. V. Kapitonov - for
Cde. K. F. Katushev - for
Cde. A. P. Kirilenko - for
Cde. F. D. Kulakov - for
Cde. B. N. Ponomarev - for
Cde. D. F. Ustinov - for
Cde. A. Ya. Pel'she - for
[handwritten: A. [illegible]
[faded CC stamp]
149 Excerpts to Cdes. Andropov and Ponomarev
15.5.78 [SIC] to Cde. B. N. Ponomarev (instructions to Cde. K. [M.] Bogolyubov)
Distributed: 27.6.1974 Khalturina
This document provides information for the leaders of the progressive Afghan political parties; and results of the CC elections.
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Document Information
RGANI (formerly TsKhSD), f. 89, op. 46, d. 113, ll. 61.
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