July 18, 1960
Mao Zedong’s Talk at the Beidaihe Central Committee Work Conference (Excerpt)
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
From 1917 until 1945, the Soviet Union pulled itself up by its own bootstraps, building socialism in one country. This is the Leninist way. We also have to go down this road.
Over the past decade the Soviet people have helped us in [our] development, and we cannot forget this.
We must resolve to work on [pursuing] advanced technology. Khrushchev won’t give us advanced technology. Fine! If he had given it to us, it would have been a difficult debt to repay.
Mao Zedong declares that, in the absence of Soviet assistance, China must rely only upon itself in its pursuit of technological modernity and socialism.
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