May 10, 1965
Letter from Zhang Aiping, et al., to Zhou Enlai and Luo Ruiqing on the Nuclear Test
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
Report to the Premier [Zhou Enlai], the Chief of the General Staff, the Special Commission, the [Central] Military Commission, and the Central Committee [of the CCP]:
Cold weather has now decisively settled over southern Xinjiang. It is projected that the weather (tangerine) will gradually improve from 1400 hours [two o’clock p.m.] on May 11, and conditions will be right to detonate (the melons have ripened) on May 12 and May 13.
This afternoon we held a meeting of the Testing Party Committee and of the Testing Commission members, studying various items of work in the wake of the [May] 8th live fire exercise and also again checking and arranging various preparatory work. Now the test site (the market) is prepared and is awaiting the order; detonation can occur eight hours after the order is given (the melons have ripened). The meeting unanimously agreed that, as a standard [against which to judge the] implementation of various kinds of [preparatory] work, detonation (the melons have ripened) should be fixed for 0800 hours [eight o’clock a.m.] on May 12. The specific time will be reported on May 11 at 2000 hours [eight o’clock p.m.] {Boom Six (the Old Unit Six)} will hang the bomb (throw the apple) between the 0800 hours [eight o’clock a.m.] and 1500 hours [three o’clock p.m.] on the 11th; there will be no special influence on the accuracy).
Zhang Aiping, Liu Xiyao, Cheng Jun, Zhang Zhenhuan, Zhang Yunyu
10 May 1965 at 2300 hours
On May 10, Chinese military officials confirm that they are prepared to detonate an aerial nuclear explosion but, due to unfavorable weather conditions, must postpone the test until May 12 or 13.
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