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June 28, 1977

Telegram 066658 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification

TELEGRAM  066658

To: the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to comrade Ion Ciubotaru

From: the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang

Subject: the People’s Republic of Hungary Minister of Foreign Affairs’ official visit to the DPRK   

Date: June 28, 1977

Classification: Secret


We note that, after the date of the US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance’s visit to Beijing was made public, North Korean propaganda has increasingly emphasized the DPRK’s complete support for Chinese reunification, the need for American withdrawal, and freeing Taiwan. By way analogy with the situation on the Korean peninsula, the North Korean press combats all reactionary ideas of ‘two Chinas,’ ‘one China, one Taiwan,’ ‘one country, two systems,’ ‘Taiwan independence,’ etc., and vehemently demands a halt to this state of affairs and immediate and total US troop withdrawal from Taiwan, South Korea, and Asia in general.


On June 27, on the 27th anniversary of the US occupation of Taiwan, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, Rodong Sinmun, published a lengthy editorial on the topic.


Signed: D. Popa

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports on North Korean propaganda in reaction to US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance's visit to Beijing.


Document Information


Archive of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Folder 931/1977, Issue 220/E, Bilateral relations between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and socialist countries in Asia (the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Republic of Kampuchea), February – October 1977. Obtained and translated for NKIDP by Eliza Gheorghe.


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ROK Ministry of Unification and Leon Levy Foundation